新编实用英语综合教程 2 Unit 8 (passage 3) 教案

The Most Unforgettable Character I ' ve Met

•  Students' requirements:

A: Have a general ideal of what is a narration and how to describe a person or a scene.

B: Give a summary of the text in your own words before class.

C: Master some important grammar rules in this text.

II. Key points

A: Introduction of the narration

B: Analysis of text structure

III. Reading comprehension (15 min.)

Introduction of the narration and analysis of text structure

IV. Language Points (30 min.)

A: 倒装结构以及常见的几种倒装类型。

B as if 引导的状语从句和 wish 后宾语从句的虚拟结构。

C :现在分词作状语的几种结构和意义。

D :“ see sb doing sth” see sb do sth” 的区别以及类似的表达。

IV. Use of Teaching Facilities

multi-media teaching facilities

V. Assignment:

Imitate the text to write a 200-word composition in the form of narration , you can narrate any person : your parents , friends , classmates , and so on 。


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